Disciples Christian Church


Bring your used Cellphones to church and place them in the recycling box .

Join us in our effort to help the planet and raise money for our building fund.

You can make a difference with cell phone recycling. Help our environment and the planet.  Hundreds of millions of used cell phones are taken out of service each year around the world as new innovations reach the marketplace.

 One in three Americans will replace their cell phones this year, adding to the 500 million unused phones currently waiting to be discarded or recycled.

Cell phone recycling and wireless recycling programs keep valuable materials out of landfills, including an estimated $630,000 of precious metals from circuit boards, and enough copper from phone chargers to recover the Statue of Liberty, twice.



Bring or mail your used cellphone:
Disciples Christian Church
(Disciples of  Christ)
125 N. Prewitt
Nevada, Mo. 64772


Bring your used ink cartridges to church and place them in the recycling box .

Join us in our effort to help the planet and raise money for our building fund.

Each year, millions of empty toner and inkjet cartridges are thrown into the trash, ending up in our planet's landfills or incinerators. Recycling these empty cartridges is easy, profitable and environmentally beneficial. It helps reduce solid waste, conserves raw materials and the energy needed to produce a new product. Most cartridges can be recycled up to six times - they are refurbished, refilled and then resold to consumers at a lower price than brand name cartridges. Recycled cartridges produce the same quality and output as new cartridges.

Ink cartridges are constructed out of plastic, petroleum-based products and take about 1,000 years to decompose. According to recent estimates, 20-40% of ink cartridges are recycled, meaning 60-80% end up in landfills. The recovery and reuse of empty printer cartridges diverts millions of cubic feet of material from waste disposal, saving us the millions of tax dollars needed to pay for additional landfill management.

Bring or mail your used cartridges:
Disciples Christian Church
(Disciples of  Christ)
125 N. Prewitt
Nevada, Mo. 64772