Disciples Christian Church


Disciples Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ)

125 North Prewitt St.

Nevada, Mo. 64772

Discovery Time at 10:00 am
Worship at 11:00 am 


 Scroll down and click on Video 

PLEASE remember to send your offering to the church (125 N Prewitt St. Nevada MO 64772).  



February 2, 2025

Pastor Harold Hicks





January 26, 2025

Pastor Harold Hicks


January 19, 2025

Pastor Harold Hicks




January 12, 2025

Pastor Harold Hicks






















November 17, 2024

Pastor Hicks





























 DISCIPLES CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) of Nevada, Missouri  you can expect a worship service lasting about an hour with a warm welcome combination of traditional and contemporary  music.   Sermons are timely and thoughtfully prepared and serve to lift up the name and teachings of Jesus Christ as Lord. We offer the celebration of the Lord’s Supper every Sunday all are welcome to partake. Everyone has the opportunity to provide leadership in worship and congregational life.

   You leave with a sense of having done what God expects of you …having glorified Jesus Christ.




Sunday Worship Service

Discovery  Time  10:00 am.

Worship Service  11:00 am.


Handicap  Accessible


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